Pastor Chuck Corradino
Pastor Chuck has been serving in a ministerial capacity internationally and in the Metro NY Area going on thirty years. This includes serving in a Pastoral capacity to Asian Americans in The New York Chinese Church of The Nazarene and a multi-Cultural Church in Jersey City as well as other Churches in the Metro NY area.
Pastor Chuck is also a professional drummer who, after playing in bands for many years, became the drummer for a Christian Rock Band that toured throughout Israel for a decade. This included Military Bases, Jerusalem Theater, Karmeil Culture Center, The Israeli Music Festive, Jerusalem School of Political Science and Arts and more. This seeded his calling to study for the ministry. He has been serving as an Ordained Lead Pastor for the Butler Church of The Nazarene for over Ten Years and works well within all the surrounding communities. His diverse background and Love for God and People give him a very relational edge in coming alongside everyone young and seasoned alike. His preaching style is conversational and awakening. He has a gift for reaching all age groups and economic/social backgrounds.
He is a graduate of NBC in Colorado Springs as well as New York City Leadership Academy.